Ongoing Costs
As a valued partner in the Udderlicious franchise, you’ll very much be your own boss and will enjoy all the personal and financial rewards which come with growing your own business. However, there are certain costs involved in maintaining our partnership:
We charge an ongoing fee of 4% of your gross turnover. The average fee is around 10-12%, so this is a pretty good deal!
However, we are a franchise who very much believes in celebrating success, so franchisees who consistently go the extra mile in making their new business succeed, and score well on aspects such as Google review scores, Food Hygiene Ratings and Mystery Shopper Review scores, can expect to enjoy a reduced rate of just 3%!

Earning potential
Exactly how much you can expect to earn from your Udderlicious franchise can vary a great deal, of course, depending on a variety of factors such as location and the local market.
However, based on our current operations, we are more than confident that you can enjoy rapid and significant returns on your investment. Based on our current operations, you can reasonably expect a return on your investment as early as Year 2!
We are more than happy to share more detailed financial information with you as you move through our enquiry process, and will help you to assess the potential of your own local area.