Franchising & You
Whether this is the first time you’ve considered being your own boss, or are a seasoned business pro already, launching your own business is hard. There hasn’t been a single day building Udderlicious that we didn’t love, but it sure hasn’t always been easy.
We’ve had our fair share of obstacles and challenges, but working to overcome them is exactly what has made our business model so robust and successful today.
However, most new businesses simply never make it this far. Starting your own business is risky, and can be pretty daunting if you’re pouring all your energy and money into something which has no guarantee of success.

Fortunately, there is another way – franchising!
If you’re new to the idea of franchising, you are probably still learning what it is all about and how it can benefit you.
Put simply, a franchise is an agreement between a company and an individual, or group of individuals, that allows a franchisee to trade under their brand and offer their products or services. Franchising has become one of the most popular and successful ways for companies like ours to expand, and for individuals like you to get a head start in building their own business.
Joining a franchise like Udderlicious, instead of starting out on your own, gives you a huge number of benefits. By working together with us, you can enjoy:
A proven business model
We’ve already done all the hard work in sussing out what does and doesn’t work for an ice cream store, and got it down to a fine art.
An unbeatable head start
Jump straight in with a business ready to roll from day one, a fantastic product and a stellar reputation with customers.
The best of both worlds
Being your own boss, but also being part of a larger organisation that can support you and help you whenever you need it.
Lower risk and lower costs
Between half and two-thirds of new businesses fail in their first three years, compared to around 10% of new franchises.
Not only that, but the initial cost for joining a franchising like ours is much lower than what you would need if you started from scratch, and you can expect a much quicker return on your investment, too.